The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a non-profit educational and service-oriented professional organization that promotes the development of women in STEM fields at the collegiate and professional levels.
Case Western Reserve University’s Society of Women Engineers is committed to implementing the ideals and goals of the society in our section. We strive to work with women in engineering at CWRU to develop well-rounded individuals through technical and leadership growth. These opportunities include:
- Networking and Career Opportunities such as company information sessions, professional speakers, and resume reviews
- Engineering Outreach events including Girl Scout programs and RePlay for Kids
- Social events like mixers with other organizations and Zumba
- Trips to Society and Regional Conferences
- And more!
Check out this site to find information about upcoming events, things we’ve done in the past, career opportunities, other events around campus, information about this year’s exec board, and how to contact us.
If you want to go beyond your SWE membership at CWRU, become a national member! For more information and to join, go here.